About Us
The Monmouth Bar Association’s purpose and objective shall be to promote the administration of justice and uniformity of legislation and judicial decision throughout the County of Monmouth and the State of New Jersey; uphold the honor of the profession of the law, encourage cordial association among the members of the Bar in the County of Monmouth; coordinate the activities of the members of the Bar in the County on a representative basis in the interest of the legal profession and of the public throughout the County and the State; and advance the honor welfare, service and enjoyment of the members of the Bar.
Founded in 1908

Founded in 1908 to assist attorneys and the public in Monmouth County. Twenty years ago the association had 300 members and, as of today is made up of 1,300 members.
The Monmouth Bar Association celebrated its 100th Anniversary on January 8, 2008. We have a long and distinguished history and are proud to commence our second century of service to attorneys, the judiciary and the public.
The Monmouth Bar Association’s purpose and objection shall be to promote the administration of justice and uniformity of legislation and judicial decision throughout the County of Monmouth and the State of New Jersey; uphold the honor of the profession of the law, encourage cordial association among the members of the Bar in the County of Monmouth; coordinate the activities of the members of the Bar in the County on a representative basis in the interest of the legal profession and of the public throughout the County and the State; and advance the honor welfare, service and enjoyment of the members of the Bar.
The Monmouth Bar Association Foundation
On the recommendation of the late Hon. M. Raymond McGowan, then President of the Bar Association, the Officers and Trustees incorporated the Monmouth Bar Foundation on June 16, 1964 as a Not for Profit Corporation under Title 15 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey. The Foundation was created to award scholarship to deserving law students from Monmouth County as well as various other educational and chartiable purposes as envisioned by lawful activities of the Not for Profit Corporation. In order to achieve funding for this Foundation, the members of the Association would be asked to contribute a donation ($25.00) annually.
In 1964 two $250 scholarships were awarded. Thanks to the kind generosity of the members (approximately 300) each year the amount of the scholarship increased until 1970 when ten $500 scholarships were awarded. From 1971 to 1984, the Foundation continued to pay out virtually everything it received by granting as many $500 scholarships as it could afford. The number of scholarships was always below twenty.
In 1980 the Foundation established it first named scholarship – the Stewart B. Sawyer Scholarship Award. This award was funded by gifts from individuals seeking to preserve the memory of Stewart B. Sawyer, the deceased son of former Bar Association President Sidney I. Sawyer.
On September 13, 1985 Thomas D. Nary, a member of the Bar Association, died. Under the terms of a trust he established in 1964, the principal of the Trust ($170,000) was payable to the Foundation.
The President of the Monmouth Bar Foundation at the time of Mr. Nary’s generous donation was the late John C. Manna who unfortunately, passed away February 26, 1997. Following Mr. Manna’s demise, Peter W. Kenny assumed the role of President until 2018. The current President is Thomas J. Smith, III. Mr. Smith along with the Officers and Trustees of the Foundation members meet several times a year.
The Foundation has awarded hundreds of scholarships (many of the recipients are current members of the Association), has helped support the Legal Aid Society and has done what it can to help the Association in other educational and charitable areas.
The Association members are an important source of funds by making voluntary contributions when paying their dues. Additional numerous “Named Scholarships” have been established by those who wish to recognize a family member, lawyer living or deceased by contributing a minimum of $10,000. Currently there are twenty (20) “Named Scholarships.”
PRESIDENT: Thomas J. Smith, III
Vice President: Daniel O’Hern, Jr.
Secretary: mICHAEL i. hALFACRE
Peter W. Kenny, In Memoriam
Paul H. Frankel, In Memoriam
Patricia Adams
Julia Alonso
Gregory S. Baxter
Rachel Flanagan Creighton
John Duggan
Christine G. Hanlon
Vincent P. Manning
Noel S. Tonneman
Carol J. Truss
Charles J. Uliano
Kevin P. Wigenton