It is ORDERED that the following judges of the Appellate Division, Law Division (Civil and Criminal), and Chancery Division (General Equity and Family) of the Superior Court and the following judges of the Tax Court, are regularly assigned from September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021, as indicated herein, and until further order;

It is FURTHER ORDERED that in the event of disqualification in a particular matter of a judge assigned to the Chancery Division, General Equity, of the Superior Court, that matter shall be heard, unless otherwise specially ordered, by the appropriate designated judge for that vicinage as indicated herein;

It is FURTHER ORDERED that in the event of the absence of an Assignment Judge, the duties of that position shall be assumed by the Acting Assignment Judge for that vicinage as indicated herein;

It is FURTHER ORDERED that the Presiding Judges for the Civil, Criminal,Family, and General Equity Parts of the Superior Court in each vicinage are as indicated herein;